Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July from San Carlos Elms

We have been celebrating our Independence by creating our own ice cream.
We put all the ingredients into a coffee container and rolling it until it becomes ice cream.

Mayfred, passes it to Elisa then...

passes it to Peggy.

Peggy, Carol wants a try.

Ann want the pass.

Tin Can Ice Cream
1(3lb.) Clean Coffee Can
1 (1lb) Clean Coffee Can
Duct Tape

1c. milk
1c. whipping cream
1/2 c. sugar
1/2tsp. vanilla
rock salt
ice (crushed or small cubes)

Pour all food ingredients into 1-pound coffee can. Duct tape lid on securely. Place inside 3-pound coffee can. Layer ice and salt around sides of small can. Duct tape 3-pound lid on. Roll briskly on hard ground or table for 10 to 15 minutes- cement works best.

Open lid and drain ice water. Open 1-pound lid ans stir, scraping sides well. Re-tape. Re-pack big can with ice and salt. Re-tape and roll again. Makes about 3 cups of ice cream.

We would like to thank Northern California Council of Activity Coordinators for this idea at their last mid year meeting in October. Looking forward to this years!

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