Thursday, April 27, 2017

Laughing Yoga Time at San Carlos Elms

With each visit, more and more Residents are getting excited with Laughing Yoga.
Thanks to Care Indeed we have a wonderful Laughing Yoga instructor.
Laughter yoga is a practice involving prolonged voluntary laughter. Laughter yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. Laughter yoga is done in groups, with eye contact, jokes and playfulness between participants. Forced laughter soon turns into real and contagious laughter.

San Carlos Girl Scouts Visit The Elms

The Residents were happy to spend an afternoon with the Girl Scouts. They socialized, sang songs, and crafted together.  It was a fun afternoon.
 Thank you girls for taking the time out of your busy schedules to spend time with our Residents.
 Fred enjoyed the socializing.
 Madelaine had such a great time.
 Anita was happy crafting with the scouts.
Loraine was intrigued by the drinks they were making.
Hope we can do it again soon.
Thank you to all the drivers that got the scouts here safe.

San Carlos Elms Welcomes Student Visitor

Sydney is a student in San Carlos working on her ROPES project (Rite Of Passage ExperienceS program). ROPES is an opportunity for students to participate in an academic ritual by way of real-life learning experiences. The ROPES project gives students an opportunity to explore and demonstrate project based learning.
Sydney decided to make a Happy Spring note for each of our Residents, we have over 100. 
All the Residents were delighted with their surprise gift and visit from Sydney; she handed them out during lunch time.
Below are just a few moment caught on camera.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Little Explorers Petting Zoo Visits San Carlos Elms

The Residents, Staff and Family Members had so much fun with the Little Explorers Petting Zoo.
The weather was perfect, the animals were happy in their shade, and the Residents were more than happy to give the animals love.

 Tish was all laughs holding a two week old bunny.
 Shirley loved her new furry friend.
 Helen couldn't get enough of the animals. She was one of the only brave ones to go in the cage with the animals.
 Anita was happy holding her new duck friend.
 Fran was all smiles holding onto her new bunny friend.
 The Residents had so much fun in the sun with all their new friends.
 Even the staff came with their children and grandchildren.
 Mary's whole family was here having fun watching her great granddaughter; petting a bunny, brushing a goat, squeezing a duck or running away from the alpaca.
You are always so great with all our visitors!

San Carlos Elms Goes Out for Lunch

We had a fantastic time out at IHOP!!! The staff was wonderful and attentive.
We had so much fun socializing away from The Elms. 

 It was nice having such a mixture of men and woman on the outing today.
Thank you IHOP for making it so much fun for us!!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter Weekend at San Carlos Elms

The Residents had a busy weekend!
They had live entertainment, crafts, visit from the Easter bunny and a hunt for eggs.

We started off with Conrad on Guitar. He always brings in a large crowd.
 Barbara and Nellie enjoyed working on the Arts & Crafts for Easter.

Dolores and Teresa are concentrating on their project, egg ornaments.

 Our Activity Assistant, Ashley had fun bringing each Resident an Easter gift. 
Each egg was made by one of our family members.

Hilda enjoyed her visit from the bunny!
Marcella was taken back by how "precious" Ashley looked in her costume.

 The Residents enjoyed receiving the clues to find their eggs. Let the Hunt begin.

George found an Egg in the Resident Lounge, just one of many hiding around the whole building.
We had a wonderful Easter here at San Carlos Elms.
We hope your Easter Holiday was just as fun!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

San Carlos Elms Welcomes New Talented Volunteer

George is our newest volunteer at San Carlos Elms.
He is a retired school teacher from West Portal Lutheran School.
The Residents enjoyed his performance this week and are looking forward to having him back next month.
Thank you George for sharing your talent with our community!

It was George Colman's birthday and our new volunteer surprised him by playing him by playing "Happy Birthday". Mr. Colman's daughter, Diane was happy to be there wishing her dad a happy birthday.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

San Carlos Elms Welcomes the Peninsula Clefhangers

We were so happy to have the Peninsula Clefhangers perform for us this week at San Carlos Elms.
They brighten our evening full of music and socialization.
We look forward to their next visit.




 Bill loved the music and had just as much fun visiting with the singers as he did listening to them.

 Helen had so much fun finding out more about the singers and where they perform.
Teresa was grateful for their visit and asked when they are coming back.
Thank you Peninsula Clefhangers for visiting our community. You are welcomed anytime!!! 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

San Carlos Elms Residents Excited about Wii Bowling

We had an exciting afternoon.
Joan bowled a 247 game today in Wii Bowling.  She went six frames with nothing but strikes! All her friends were there cheering for her. They were so happy at her final score. Joan has bowled some great games before, but this one is a game we will all talk about for a while.
Congratulations Joan!!!

Joan in shock and amazement after the last frame. 
She thought she bowled the 161, then when she realized the 247 was hers everyone cheered for her!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Shades of Gray Perform at San Carlos Elms

The Residents enjoyed the talent of Shades of Gray performance.
When asked why they are named Shades of Gray, they simply responded "because we all have different color of gray hair."
One of the members of the band family member lives here at San Carlos Elms and the band loves to perform for them a couple times a year. 
Thank you Shades of Gray for bringing your musical talent to our community for all our Residents to enjoy!

San Carlos Elms Goes Out for Lunch

We all had such a delicious time at The Fish Market!
 We enjoyed the beautiful weather, looking out on the water front, wonderful service and the spectacular food.
Alyce loved her fish and chips.
 Erna liked her Crab Louie but,
enjoyed her wine more.
Thank you Fish Market for making our lunch so much fun.
We hope to see you again soon.

Birthday Celebration

 Marlene's family celebrated her an 85-birthday party with Musical Bingo. Happy Birthday Marlene! Hope you enjoyed your party and Musica...