Friday, April 21, 2017

Little Explorers Petting Zoo Visits San Carlos Elms

The Residents, Staff and Family Members had so much fun with the Little Explorers Petting Zoo.
The weather was perfect, the animals were happy in their shade, and the Residents were more than happy to give the animals love.

 Tish was all laughs holding a two week old bunny.
 Shirley loved her new furry friend.
 Helen couldn't get enough of the animals. She was one of the only brave ones to go in the cage with the animals.
 Anita was happy holding her new duck friend.
 Fran was all smiles holding onto her new bunny friend.
 The Residents had so much fun in the sun with all their new friends.
 Even the staff came with their children and grandchildren.
 Mary's whole family was here having fun watching her great granddaughter; petting a bunny, brushing a goat, squeezing a duck or running away from the alpaca.
You are always so great with all our visitors!

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