Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Latest Activities

Root Beer Float Social
 Don is enjoying his float.
 Barbara and John reminisce over their floats and cracker jacks.
 Barbara, Caroline and the Helen's had fun catching up.
 Helen, Mary, Tillie and Stewart all had a fun time.
Current Events
  We always enjoy Carol's visit's on the big screen to keep us updated on what is going on in the world.
Bingo Time
 The Residents have fun during Bingo. Some have their lucky cards even.
 The Residents are grateful for both T.V. screens showing their numbers.
Music & Motion
 Thanks to our Friends at the San Carlos Adult Community Center Allen comes in every month to exercise with our Residents to their music.

Arts & Crafts 
 Helen is making a beautiful center piece for our Fourth of July party.
Helen smiles with her completed flower.

 Pat concentrating on her flower.
 Are tables are going to look gorgeous during our Fourth of July party.
Thanks to the Residents who made them and Lindsay our volunteer who lead the craft project.
Madeline on Piano
Madeline plays the piano with grace and has a voice to match.

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Birthday Celebration

 Marlene's family celebrated her an 85-birthday party with Musical Bingo. Happy Birthday Marlene! Hope you enjoyed your party and Musica...