Thursday, November 17, 2011

Poetry Corner at San Carlos Elms

Laughing Yoga?
by resident: Rosemary Bishop

The board reads "Laughing Yoga" at 2:00
to go or not to go-
A waste of time of something to do?
Yoga is joy through movement.

Have you ever experienced Laughing Yoga?
It is something hard to describe.
Is is really the same as Yoga?
Or something just implied?

Our leader from Sidney showed us what to do.
Clap hands, one clap, two claps
Faster now: one clap, two claps, three claps
Saying: HA, HA, HA, HO, HO, HO!
Find Sidney, Australia on the map.

Laughing Yoga is best done in a group.
With a leader to call the motions.
You follow like hens in a coop.
More like waves in the ocean.

Some of the participants said it was interesting.
Our leaser smiled and joked.
He seemed to try to make us laugh,
but he was no Groucho Marx or Jack Benny.

Friday, November 11, 2011

San Carlos Elms Remembers and Honors their Veterans

San Carlos Elms would like to Thank Girl Scout Troop 393 for presenting the colors and making such lovely poppy corsages for our residents for Veterans Day. It is a day that they will always have in their hearts.

The Girl Scout Troop helped pin all the resident who attended with special pins. Those who served, like Henry shown below received a pin with a red, white, and blue ribbon. Spouse or Family members received a poppy corsage.

Girl Scout Troop 393 sings songs to commemorate this Veterans Day.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Laughter Yoga at San Carlos Elms

Dominic and Nina had a great interaction shown below during one of the laughter exercise.
Curley, our house dog heard all the fun and joined in. Curley added to our laughter experience.
We had a oh, oh moment during laughter yoga.

Wii Bowling at San Carlos Elms

We always have a good time when we bowl. Cheering one another on especially when someone picks up a 7/10 split like George and Don do on occasion.

Wii Bowling is getting pretty serious at San Carlos Elms. Irene bowled a 279 last Friday. 1 strike shy of a perfect game!

Friday, November 4, 2011

San Carlos Elms receives a second visit from Central Middle School

The Central Middle School kids came this time to read to our residents, but they had a special ending in mind. They ended with doing the Macarena for the residents, however Rosemary couldn't help herself she had to join in with the students. She showed them she still has the moves.
Thank you Central Middle School Hope to see you again soon!

Activities Caught on Camera

 Marilyn on Piano   Current Events with Carol   Carol Zoom's in from Rohnert Park to have a discussion with our residents all of the cur...