Thursday, January 31, 2013

Night two at San Carlos Elms with Week of the Family

After our successful Monday night with the three generations, we had more of our residents eager to attend tonight's events. We continued the sandwich making for Street Light Church, Valentine boxes for the children at Stanford Hospital, and of course when we had time we played a little Scrabble.
It was so much fun we can't wait to do it again!!!
Thank you to all who participated, your work was greatly appreciated!

Monday, January 28, 2013

San Carlos Week of the Family at San Carols Elms

We showed great community outreach tonight!!! In five different rooms we had three generations working together with one goal in common, to help their community.
Tonight we made sandwiches for Street Life Church, we made Valentine boxes for the Children's Hospital at Stanford and we shared our knowledge with each other. Some students and their parents helped our residents show them how to use their iPads, while our residents helped some of the students play some of their favorite games, scrabble and blackjack.
We had a wonderful evening can't wait to do it again on Thursday!!! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

San Carlos Elms Honored by San Carlos Chamber of Commerce

A Big Thank you to The San Carlos Chamber of Commerce for the recognition. 
We received the award for the remodel of our Resident Lounge.

Maribel & June accepted the award on The San Carlos Elms behalf.

Friday, January 18, 2013

A Night Out for San Carlos Elms at The Adult Community Center's Sock Hop 2013

We had one hopping time out at The Adult Community Center. The staff  had wonderful music, h'orderves , drinks and desserts. We had a terrific time dancing and watching others dance too! It was a fun time out and hope we can do it again. Thank you San Carlos Adult Community Center for brightening up our evening.  

Dorothy and John had fun on the dance floor.

We all enjoyed the music and the desserts!!!

Grace finally showed off her moves to Annie and Linda who always make these events fun!

Thank you again San Carlos Adult Community Center for an amazing evening.

Lunch Outing today for San Carlos Elms Residents

Many laughs, great times at during our lunch outing.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Let's Take a Look Inside The Memory Program

The Memory Program got 2013 off to a great start with their New Years Party!!!

Elisa, what is your resolution?

Lida loves to paint, especially on Wednesdays during our Memories in the Making.

Fran, made a new years resolution to exercise more. We will try to help her keep that resolution.

Peggy, wants to play the piano more.

 Now, they are working on their decorations for Valentines Day.

Arts & Crafts w/ San Carlos Library

Every month the San Carlos Library comes in with a fun project for our residents to make. Thank you!