Monday, March 30, 2020

Staying in Touch with Loved Ones

San Carlos Elms is happy to help families stay in contact with one another during this time.
 Faith and her son had plans to visit Grandma Joan this month from Chicago, but due to our current situation plans were cancelled. This would have been the first meeting for Joan and her Great Grandson. Thanks to technology we were able to make the meeting possible.
Photo above was sent to use by Faith.

 This photo was also sent by Faith, it was a wonderful experience. Seeing Joan's face light up when she saw her family, her eyes filled up with happy tears.

 Gwenn has met with several family members and has more scheduled.

 Shirley was so happy to meet with her daughter, she said, "Makes up for no Bingo."

 John admits to not being computer savvy, but he looks like he is doing a good job.

 At 103 Bob can't believe that he can communicate, with the help of technology, with his daughter Robyn.

Bob said this is just, "Unbelievable and Wonderful!"
Thank you to all the staff who are helping to keep our Residents safe during this time, but most importantly keeping families connected.
Keep up the Great Work!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

COVID Precautions in Place

Families and residents are receiving electronic updates and posted notices regarding our efforts with COVID-19. We presently have no residents or staff with symptoms. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation with the visitor and social gathering restrictions. This has been a challenge for everyone.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Activities Caught on Camera

Mayor Visit
Mayor Ron Collins takes time out of his schedule to keep our Residents up to date with what is going on in the city of San Carlos.

Wine and Cheese Social
 Time to get together with your friends and have a nice talk with some wine and cheese,

or to get together with your friends to watch the latest game,

 or to get together to play your favorite card game.

Ash Wednesday
 A representative from St. Charles Church, Jean came in to give our Residents the sacrament of Ashes to mark the beginning of the Lent season.

Current Events
 Our volunteer Carol has a lot of Residents joining in these days with everything going on in the world.
The interaction with the Residents is a pleasure to see and hear.

Wii Bowling
 We have some fantastic bowlers here at San Carlos Elms.
We also have some of the best fans I have ever see!!!

 Welcome to our newest bowler Bill!

Music in Motion

Hot Chocolate Social
 We love to get together and socialize no matter what the drink or occasion.

 It is a time to meet new friends,

and catch up with old ones.

Resident Choice Games
 Every week we let the Residents decide what they would like to play in the afternoon.
It could be a board game or
 a card game. Sometimes it can even be a social.

4H Visit
 The local 4H group comes in monthly with a project for our Residents.

 This visit they were getting us ready for St. Patrick's Day.

 The Residents enjoyed their time with the craft, but even more time with the students.

 Here some of the 4Her's are playing chess too.

Crafting with Lindsay
 Bill enjoyed making his rose with volunteer Lindsay.

 Lindsay did a wonderful job showing the Residents the craft project.

Thank you Lindsay for all of the fun crafts you bring in for our Residents.

Activities Caught on Camera

 Marilyn on Piano   Current Events with Carol   Carol Zoom's in from Rohnert Park to have a discussion with our residents all of the cur...