Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let's See What The Memory Program is up to at San Carlos Elms

In the San Carlos Elms Memory Program we have a variety of activities going on daily for our Residents to keep them active and healthy.
JoAnn is enjoying a dance with our Coordinator of The Grove to our live music we have weekly.

Carol Mae is enjoying putting together a puzzle with a volunteer, which we are lucky to have here frequently here in our Memory Program.

Becky is having fun putting her puzzle together with her volunteer.

Looks like the Residents are having a great time keeping their legs in shape.

Each week the Residents work hard at their paintings for Memories in the Making for the Alzheimer's Association. 

The Residents love lollypops while they are crafting.

Each Resident cheers on the next while they toss the rings. 
 Go Billie!
You can do it Lida!

Is their betting going on? Or is this a quiet game of horses.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

San Carlos Elms Participates in Week of the Family

Week of the Family has been celebrated for 15 years in San Carlos, San Carlos Elms is proud to be apart of it now for the past 2 years. We had students from Central, Terra Linda, and some Charter schools here last night helping our Residents with their iPads, play Scrabble, play Wii Bowling, reading to our Residents in our Memory Program, or make activity boxes for a children's hospital. This went on last night from 6:30-8pm and by the end no one wanted to leave it really was a fun event. Thank you to all the parents who stayed and helped, to the teachers that came and help organize all the students with their events, and to all the people in charge of Week of the Family  for planning for months, not just for this event, but for all the events.
Please enjoy some of the pictures from last nights "Grandparent Night".
Thank you!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

San Carlos Elms Residents Cheer for San Francisco Niners

We had a lot of residents yesterday come to the Recreation Room to cheer for the Niners. The Dining Room made appetizers for the game and we had plenty to drink.
Even though the Niners did not win, they gave us a great season and we are all looking forward to next season!
Go Niners! 

Activities Caught on Camera

 Marilyn on Piano   Current Events with Carol   Carol Zoom's in from Rohnert Park to have a discussion with our residents all of the cur...