Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lunch Outing for San Carlos Elms

We had a wonderful time yesterday at Sky Kitchen in San Carlos. Watching the planes take off and land, while enjoying great food and company.

Alyce, Joan and Grace all enjoyed their food, but I think we had a good time sharing stories too.

Thank you to the staff at Sky Kitchen for making us feel at home. The food was delicious and our waitress was sweet.

Friday, July 27, 2012

An Arts & Crafts Family Fun Time at San Carlos Elms

While some residents were busy bowling, other residents were busy crafting, socializing and cheering on the bowlers. This particular afternoon we made birds and dogs out of yarn. The dogs were more popular. We also had a little fun with the yarn before we started crafting.

Bob, Norine's son who always joins us for crafts had some fun using the yarn as a toupee. Then.... 

as a mustache.

Tony, Gloria's son was a good sport and tried it too.

We love our family support at all our events at San Carlos Elms, but during activities it's great because you just never know what is going to happen.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dinner Outing for San Carlos Elms

Last night we enjoyed an evening of walking the Farmers Market on Laurel St. Then listening to music at the park, while watching the children dance with their parents. Finally we ended our evening with a lovely dinner at La Tosca. 

It is always nice to walk into a restaurant where they remember you, but what you like to drink. That is the kind of service you receive at La Tosca, for this big group our server remembered each one of us. Thank you La Tosca for having such a wonderful ambiance.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bowling in our Memory Care

Our residents love to bowl! Just set the pins up and watch them knock them down. 

Hyatt is going for a strike.

Lida is really concentrating on those pins.

Mayfred is lucky to have her daughter Sharon for moral support. Pick up that spare Mayfred, or as Sharon would say, "Bowling for dollars."

No joke!!! Sharon actually gave out a couple of dollars. It is always a fun afternoon when the family gets involved in the activities. 
Thank you Sharon.
Thank you too, Kim and Shannon for volunteering your time

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ice Cream Social at San Carlos Elms

Yesterday we celebrated National Ice Cream Sundae Month by creating our own. Selecting from vanilla or chocolate ice cream, then selecting the topping which seemed never ending: caramel, chocolate, strawberry, whip cream, nuts, cherries, and sprinkles.
It was a lovely afternoon and we had the perfect weather for it too.

Bernella, Irene and Ruth enjoying their creations.

Elly, Katherine, and June wondering if they are going to have room for supper.

Fred getting a little help from June with the toppings on the table.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keolalaulani Halau Performs for San Carlos Elms

We had a wonderful performance today from Keolalulani Halau (School). The children ranged from ages six years old to fourteen. Their performance was so passionate and made the residents smile. When they were done performing for our residents in our assistant living, they went to our Memory Care Program. The residents there were able to see and enjoy the performance too.  Here are just a few pictures.  

Thank you Keolalaulani Halau!!! Hope to see you again soon.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A "Giant" Birthday for a Resident and Volunteer at San Carlos Elms

We had a TERRIFIC birthday party for Alyce yesterday at San Carlos Elms. She loves the Giants so we wanted to give her a Giants birthday party. Alyce does so much not just for The Elms, but the whole San Carlos community. We wanted to show her just how much she is appreciated. She volunteers at the San Carlos Library, her church (Community United Church of Christ) and also right here at San Carlos Elms. 
We all don't know what we would do with out Alyce. So we wanted to celebrate her birthday the best way possible. 

"Thank you for coming" Alyce said as people came in and out. She appreciated everyone coming.

Curley came dressed up for the occasion to say Happy Birthday to Alyce and Thank you for walking him everyday.

There were no shortages of hugs yesterday. If you know Alyce she is always there for a hug. 

Alyce had fun passing out her party favors to some of her guest.

Alyce enjoyed opening her presents and wouldn't you know half of the presents were Giants related!

Alyce also receive a present from our friends at Hallmark. She visits them all the time and brings them popcorn on during the Farmer's Market when she knows they need a little pick me up.

That's Alyce!!!

Friday, July 6, 2012

San Carlos Elms "Giant" Craft

We at San Carlos Elms love all sports, but when it comes to our San Francisco Giants nobody loves the "torturer" more than us. 
At Arts & Crafts we made our own Giant bracelets to show our support for our team. The residents had so much fun during the Championship season they are just waiting for the next one.
When we attend the Game on August 15th we will be the loudest group there. Just wait you'll see.

Rosemary working on what type of pattern she would like to have.

Norine admiring the work her and her son did together.

Irene having a great time selecting her pattern.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July from San Carlos Elms

We have been celebrating our Independence by creating our own ice cream.
We put all the ingredients into a coffee container and rolling it until it becomes ice cream.

Mayfred, passes it to Elisa then...

passes it to Peggy.

Peggy, Carol wants a try.

Ann want the pass.

Tin Can Ice Cream
1(3lb.) Clean Coffee Can
1 (1lb) Clean Coffee Can
Duct Tape

1c. milk
1c. whipping cream
1/2 c. sugar
1/2tsp. vanilla
rock salt
ice (crushed or small cubes)

Pour all food ingredients into 1-pound coffee can. Duct tape lid on securely. Place inside 3-pound coffee can. Layer ice and salt around sides of small can. Duct tape 3-pound lid on. Roll briskly on hard ground or table for 10 to 15 minutes- cement works best.

Open lid and drain ice water. Open 1-pound lid ans stir, scraping sides well. Re-tape. Re-pack big can with ice and salt. Re-tape and roll again. Makes about 3 cups of ice cream.

We would like to thank Northern California Council of Activity Coordinators for this idea at their last mid year meeting in October. Looking forward to this years!

Wendell Performs for San Carlos Elms

Wendell had our residents moving with his performance. They enjoyed his energy that he brings to The Elms. The residents say that when you go to a Wendell performance be prepared to exercise. 
Thank you Wendell for bringing another great performance!

Wendell Performs for Memory Program

Wendell made all our residents in our memory program smile and move with his performance.
We look forward to having him perform again.

The residents showing how much they enjoy Wendell's music by clapping and singing along. 

Precious Performs