Friday, November 18, 2016

San Carlos Elms enjoys a Lunch Out

We had so much fun today at Sizzlers.
We would like to thank Sizzlers and their wonderful staff for taking such great care of us, especially our waitress Linda. She was outstanding!!!
We look forward to our next visit.
We had a ton of shrimp and steak to go around.

Faye enjoyed her ice cream cone the best!

San Carlos Mayor Camer Johnson visits The Elms

We have been honored this whole year to have our Mayor come to visit us every month to keep us informed on what is going on in San Carlos.
Thank you Mayor Cameron Johnson for taking the time this year.
We enjoyed everyone of your visits and congratulations on all your accomplishments during your year as Mayor.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

San Carlos Elms Celebrates our House Dog's Birthday!

Happy 11th Birthday to our house dog, Curley!
Curley is a hard working dog, keeping the Residents and Staff happy each and every day.
We were happy to show him how much we appreciate him with a little party with all his friends.

Curley was happy to have his dog walker Alyce there.

Curley was so happy with his cake.

He made sure to spend time with everyone who came to the party.

Curley enjoyed his whip cream cake.
Happy Birthday Curley!!! 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Academy of American Ballet Performs at San Carlos Elms

The Residents had a special treat this weekend, the Academy of American Ballet came in to show case what they are working on for this holiday season.
Most of the performance were scenes from the Nutcracker, but they also had a very fitting Veterans performance to, "God Bless the U.S.A".
The Residents enjoyed the time the dancers took to talk to them afterwards about their performance.
Thank you Academy of American Ballet  and Julia Dugan for taking time to perform for us.
We are looking forward for you to perform for us again.

The Residents were so happy when the dancers talked with them after their performance.
Nellie couldn't get over how beautiful they danced!

San Carlos Elms Memory Program Indulge in Music

Thank you to Suzie Budrick Hughes for continuing to volunteer at San Carlos Elms Memory Program with the Music and Memory Program. We welcome all our volunteers to help in this program. It is very rewarding.

Becky loves to get moving when she hears a good song.

Freida enjoyed her shared listening time with a volunteer.

Mary loves to conduct.

Harriet is all smiles when she hears her music.

San Carlos Elms Attends the Adult Community Center Talent Show

San Carlos Adult Community Center hosted their annual "San Carlos has Talent" afternoon show.
They had several performers singing and playing instruments.
Who knew San Carlos had so much talent! Congratulations to all who participated!!

Hattiet enjoyed the show.

All of our Residents were given a rose before they left.
This really made them feel apart of the show.

The Residents couldn't get over just how talented everyone was.
Great show and we look forward in attending next time.

Heather School Visits San Carlos Elms Memory Care Program

Heather School brought by their 4th grade class last week to share some of their short stories they had written. When they were done sharing their stories they had fun getting to know the Residents.
Thank you Heather School for sharing your stories and we look forward having you visit us again.
Freida was enjoying her time with her visitor.

Fran looks like she was really into the story.

Bill had fun sharing his input to the story. 

Ruth was having a great time getting to know the students.

Becky always enjoys listening to children.

Fran was very interested in her story.
Thank you again all for coming and spending time with us here at San Carlos Elms.

Friday, November 11, 2016

San Carlos Elms Honors Veterans

Happy Veterans Day from all of us here at San Carlos Elms.
Today we honored our Resident Veterans with a Ceremony.
San Carlos Boy Scout Troop 321 help in this ceremony, posting the flags, singing patriotic songs and a bugle player.
Each Resident was given either a flag pin with a red, white and blue ribbon (veterans) or a poppy with a ribbon (spouses) to thank them for their service.
The Residents enjoyed Troop 321's visit today.

Boy Scout Troop 321 did a wonderful job and all the Residents appreciated them participating in today's ceremony.

Betty (in red), "Everyone did a great job. And, like last year all the memories came like a flood,causing a flood of tears - both of sadness & joy. Thank you for all your kind & heartfelt work."

Gordon was proud to stand for the Air Force during the Armed Forces Medley song.

One of the young Scouts performed "Taps" for our Residents.

Each Resident enjoyed this service with tears of happiness, sadness or hope.
Thank you Troop 321 we look forward to having you back in our community!
Thank you to all the parents who drove the troop today!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Rabbi Corey Helfand Talks with Residents at San Carlos Elms

We all enjoy Rabbi Corey when he comes in to talk to us.
When he came in this week he talked about decisions, how important they are and the effects they can have. It was an appropriate topic with the election this week.
Thank you Rabbi Corey for taking time out of your busy schedule to see us!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Congresswoman Jackie Speier Visits San Carlos Elms

We mentioned to the Residents that Jackie Speier was coming in to answer any of their questions.
The Recreation Room and the Lounge filled up with Residents and their family members waiting to ask questions.
Thank you Jackie Speier for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer and educate our Residents the day before election. 
Congresswoman Jackie Speier presented Evelyn Ballard with the following Certificate of Recognition

Jackie spends time laughing with the Residents and
 talking with them too.
Congresswoman Speier took a family photo with the Ballard family. 

Marketing Director, June and Director of Health Service, Maribel were happy to meet Jackie Speier today.

Jan Pitcher Appreciating Animals

 Jan brought in many of her painting to share with our residents.   Thank you Jan for sharing your gift with our residents.