Thursday, May 31, 2018

Activities with The Memory Care

Here are some activity moments we caught on camera in our Memory Care Program.
Bill and Becky playing ball.

Faye and Carol playing ring toss.
Becky catching up on her mail.
Carol dancing with her new friend, Helen from the Assistant Living.

Helen saying hi to friend Joan.

Bill, Faye, Carol and Madelaine playing balloon toss.

Carol ready for the pass.

Terry ready for the catch.

Carol working on her artwork.

Terry, Carol and Bill enjoying their exercises.

So are Becky and George.

Barbara concentrating with her puzzle.

San Carlos Elms Activities for June 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Banjo Entertainment

Our Residents love to sing.
Today was a treat with the San Francisco Banjo Band performing.

We look forward to their next visit.

Warriors, Wine & Cheese

The Residents had an exciting night during wine and cheese.
They watched the Warriors win the Western Division, beating the Houston Rockets.
The beginning of the game we knew it would be a long night.

Dolores wore her poppy for good luck.

By the end we were all smiles.

Congratulations Warriors!!!
From Barbara and Nellie.

Ana and Dania loved the game.

Looking forward to Thursday nights game, GOOD LUCK!!!

Game Time

Marcella and Muriel had fun playing San Carlosopoly.

It was fun seeing all the stores and buildings in San Carlos on the board game.

Collect $300 when you pass San Carlos Elms.

Muriel was happy to own the Friends of San Carlos Library, Museum of San Carlos and many more.

Marcella was happy to own City Hall, San Carlos Gardening Club and more.

Gardening Time

Residents took advantage of the lovely weather this weekend.
They worked hard weeding the garden.
Marilyn and Russ thought the weather was beautiful.

Helen worked hard taking the weeds out.

Emily was happy with all the gardening.

Lunch Outing

We had so much fun on our Lunch Outing at Sizzler.
Muriel enjoyed her salad.

Sue & Gordon had steaks.

Helen loved all the entertainment at the table.

Alyce was happy to be out with Kathleen, Activity Director.

Our Driver August was excited about having lunch with the Residents.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

San Carlos Mayor Vistit

The Residents were excited to see Mayor Bob Grassilli and hear all the new things happening in San Carlos.
We are so grateful for Mayor Grassilli to take time out of his busy schedule to come see our Residents.

Arts & Crafts with Lindsay

Lindsay always brings in a wonderful art project for our Residents.
Marilyn was happy to show us her completed flower project.

Anita working hard on her flowers.
Anita's completed work. 
Helen had fun picking through the flowers and herbs.
Thanks again to our wonderful volunteer Lindsay for leading our Residents in this activity.

Speaker on Restful Sleep

Thanks to our friends from Care Indeed our Residents learned how to get a restful night sleep.
Gelena had a wonderful presentation for our Residents

Residents were happy with what they learned.
Thank you Care Indeed!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Hometown Day Parade

San Carlos Elms was excited to be apart of this years Hometown Day Parade!

Carlmont Drumline was behind us.

 Residents and their family waved at us along the route. 
Burt and his daughter enjoyed the parade on a beautiful day.
Our driver, Victor enjoyed driving the Residents.
The  Residents had fun cheering on the parade from inside the bus.


Jan Pitcher Appreciating Animals

 Jan brought in many of her painting to share with our residents.   Thank you Jan for sharing your gift with our residents.