Tuesday, June 30, 2020

July Newsletter 2020

The Residents will receive their July Newsletters shortly.
Each Newsletter going out this month has a Pen Pal Letter attached with it from Silicon Valley Cyber Leos Club.
We are hoping to make a connection with most if not all of our Residents through this program.
Thank you Silicon Valley Cyber Leos Club for making this happen safely through virtual letters. 


Monday, June 29, 2020

Moments Caught on Camera

Our Residents are enjoying the video chats with their families.

 The Memory Program
 Tom is keeping busy by helping in the garden.

 He also helps clean all of the Bingo markers.
Thank you Tom!

Hairstyles by Dora
 Residents get a big morale boost when they have their hair done.

 Tillie loves her new look.

 Bill was happy to get his hair cut too.

 Linda feels better with her hair done.

So does Hershel.
Thank you Dora!!!
We can't wait till our hairstylist, Amparo comes back.

Current Events with Volunteer Carol

Monday, June 22, 2020

Happy Father's Day

We were able to wish our Resident fathers a proper Happy Father's day.
Each of our Resident fathers received a chocolate cigar.
Below are just a few fathers we caught on camera, enjoy.

Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers out there!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Keeping Busy

Below are some pictures of Residents staying active.

Gordon wanted to thank Kindred Hospice for his Air Force mask.

 Connie enjoys her weekly prayers from Rev. Sue Ann at Spirit Care.

 So does Mary.

 Joyce enjoyed her hair cut from Dora.

 Helene was pleasantly surprised with her new hair style.

 Shirley enjoys spending time with her family.

 Bessie loved every minute with her family.

 She wanted to make everyone smile.
 Bill had fun talking with his daughter.

 Ruth was all smiles talking with her daughter.

 Alyce loves the weekly update from the San Francisco Giants!

 She is keeping herself busy with puzzles too.

 Sue loves her weekly Current Events chats with Carol.

Caroline has fun talking with Carol too.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Helping with Graduations

Many of our Residents have family members graduating from grammar school, high school and college. 
We are doing the best we can to make sure our Residents are not missing these milestones.
Lillian was happy to see her grandson graduation from Santa Clara University this past Saturday.

 Lillian's family made sure she had a proud "grandparent" grad sign.

Congratulations to all the graduates of 2020!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Current Events

During this time we have not been able to do our Activities like we normally do.
Instead of having Current Events in a group with our Residents, our volunteer Carol has graciously donated her time to discuss Current Events with Residents one on one. 
We are lucky to have such a dedicated volunteer during this time.
Thank you Carol!!!

Thank you Carol for keeping our Residents spirits up during this time.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Staying Connected

Our Residents have enjoyed the video chats with their families and friends.
Here are just a few pictures caught on camera.
Bessie wasn't going to miss her grandchildren's graduation.

 Alyce's family wanted to make sure Alyce and her cats were doing ok.

Shirley enjoys seeing and joking with her family.

Jan Pitcher Appreciating Animals

 Jan brought in many of her painting to share with our residents.   Thank you Jan for sharing your gift with our residents.