Thursday, June 7, 2012

San Carlos Elms Resident Poets were Published

CALA News & Views The voice of  Assisted Living magazine has a section called "the creative view" were residents and members can reflect on their journey through life; they can do this in a poem, short story, and art. Our residents decided to share their stories in poem. Thank you to CALA News & Views for giving our residents a chance of making their voices public.

Seasons and People
by Rosemary Bishop

I really like most people
Not only you-others too.
Some I avoid.
I won't say who!

Some give me a happy feeling.
Some make me feel sad.
Some set me reeling.
A few get me mad.

I've had some good summers.
Some make me sweat.
Some I'll call a bummer. 
Then winters too wet.

Best of all is fall.
Then I feel good.
The seasons change so fast.
In fall I feel as I should!

by Jean Moore

Termites in the basement, chewing up the ties:
Should we buy the old house and plan to modernize?
The porch is sagging badly, we'll have to jack it up.
The floors must be finished...someone had a pup.
The upstairs is unfinished, the kitchen's much too small.
Do you think the bankers will consider it as all?
It's a mile from transportation: we'll have to buy a second car.
Other folk have turned it down because it's out too far.
The ancient willow's dying, 'twill leave an ugly stump.
We'll have days of excavation to restore the pump.

Monsters in the attic, goblins in the cellar;
Lots of room to run and play and be a "regular" feller.
Other kids come here to play in noisy congregation:
Their modern houses don't entice the younger generation.
There's a creek to wade in, giant oaks to climb,
Shrubs and trees and ivy vines that only grow with time.
We have a feathered orchestra that sings in marathon.
Blue jays in magnolias pose, a la Audubon.
The high pitched roof is picturesque... and practical. In fine
We couldn't find a prettier architectural design.
The curving drive's a beauty: the orchard's bearing well.
Yes, we bought the old house and we'd never sell.

Ten years later, sold the house for a better school district.

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