Friday, September 30, 2016

Mayor Cameron Johnson Visits San Carlos Elms and The Music & Memory Program

Mayor Cameron Johnson has been coming to The Elms monthly to keep our Residents in the loop of what is going on in the city they live in, but this was a special visit for us. Mayor Johnson not only talked to our Residents in our assistant living today, he also spent some one-on-one time with a Resident in our Memory Care Program. While visiting in the Memory Care Program the Mayor was introduced to the Music and Memory Program and saw the great effect it has on our Residents.
 First, Mayor Cameron Johnson talked with our Residents. 
Then, he met Becky, Suzie introduced them.
Suzie is the one who got the Music and Memory up and running.

Lastly, Mayor Johnson & Becky listened to her music together.
Suzie also visited with Marilyn.
Thank you Mayor Johnson for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend time with us at The Elms and learn a little bit more about our program.
Thank you Suzie and your volunteers for getting all the iPods for each individual Resident done.
Thank you to ALL who donated to this wonderful program.
You have increased the Residents quality of life!!!

San Carlos Activities for October 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

San Carlos Elms goes Out to Lunch

We had a great time on our outing to IHOP!
They gave us the private room and wonderful service.
You know the food is good when it is quiet at the table when the food arrives.

Shirley enjoyed her coffee!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Loraine Adams Celebrates 102nd Birthday!

Loraine is a fascinating woman!
At 102 years young she still works on the daily crossword, exercises and plays Bingo with her friends.

Loraine enjoyed her balloons and corsage.

She was even happier when her son, Larry came to the party.

Loraine was so happy to see a beautiful cake.

She blew out all the candles and

even cut the first slice of cake.

Henry played "Happy Birthday" on the piano for Loraine.

She was all smiles today.

All her friends came to wish her happiness on her day. 
Thank you to everyone who shared a moment in this occasion.
Happy 102nd Birthday Loraine!!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

San Carlos Elms Goes to The Giants

San Carlos Elms went to AT&T Park today to cheer on their San Francisco Giants! 

All the Residents enjoyed a great bag lunch, prepared by the kitchen staff at The Elms.
They enjoyed their seats in the shade.

But, were happy to be close to the sun.

The Residents made new friends.

Dolores was hoping to catch a ball.

Helen was just eager to see if the Giants could pull off a win

Alyce & John were able to meet and receive an autograph from, SF Giants Relief Pitcher, Sergio Romo. "And that's what's up"....

A beautiful picture from our seats, too bad we didn't get the win, but we had a FANTASTIC Time!!!!
Thank you to the SF Giants Staff and Players for an amazing experience for all...As always.

Rabbi Corey Visits San Carlos Elms

Rabbi Corey took time out of his busy schedule to educate our Residents on the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year festival, held on the first (also sometimes the second) day of Tishri (in September). It is marked by the blowing of the shofar, and begins the ten days of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur.
Rabbi Corey also introduced the Residents to some of the food that they eat during this time.
San Carlos Elms cook was able to prepare sliced apples, honey and honey bread with almonds.
We all learned a lot. Thank you Rabbi Corey!!!

Bessie enjoyed her sliced apples with honey.

Above is all the wonderful food prepared and the horn that Rabbi Corey blew for the Residents to hear.

Monday, September 12, 2016

San Carols Elms Visits San Mateo County History Musuem

This past weekend the Residents had fun learning the history of our neighbors at San Mateo County Museum, located in Redwood City. They had a great time and are looking forward to going back again!

Nellie enjoyed seeing all the ship models that came into the city.

Hattie wanted to see if the phone still worked.

Helen had fun playing with some of the exhibits.

Hattie learned how some of the homes were made in the early years.

All of the Residents laughed as they became jurors if only for a moment.

They all enjoyed the courthouse.

Henry was reminiscing on his years as a judge.
It was a fun and educational trip!!!!
Thank you to the staff at San Mateo County Museum for making all of us feel so welcomed!!

Friday, September 9, 2016

San Carlos Elms Enjoys their Annual Staff Appreciation Day

We can't say enough "thank you's" to our outstanding staff.
Without their dedication and compassionate care, we would not be the highly regarded community we are. We owe our success to our staff. As we all know it's not the shiny building that makes residents and their families happy, it's the happy cheerful employees that makes everyone happy.
Today was a celebration of our employees and their families and to say Thank You!
 A group of the staff Personal Care Attendants, Housekeepers and Activity staff all enjoying some time together.

Even our House Dog Curley was able to join in the fun with our Director of Health Services, Maribel.

Lupe was so happy that we had dessert---Churro's!

This was Adrianna's first Employee Appreciation Day.
She was so happy when her name was called.

Raquel, receptionist was the first lucky winner.
Raquel is going to Disneyland.

Server, Margie was ecstatic with her 55" T.V.

P.C.A., Raquel was happy with her laptop.

Server, Ailyn was overjoyed with her 40" T.V.

P.C.A., Meiling was shocked with her GoPro.

Cook, Fabricio was happy with his crock-pot.

Server, Diana said "I'm giving this to my grandson for his birthday."
Congratulations to all the staff!!!!
Thank you each and everyday for all your hard work and dedication!!!

San Carlos Elms Residents Receive an Education on Sleep

The Residents attended a talk today on "Restful Sleep with out Medication", Jessica from Care Indeed, took time to teach our Residents just that.

Jessica Huckabay donates her time and knowledge to share with our Residents.
Thank you Jessica!!!

Residents learned a lot about their patterns of sleep and what is considered a good night sleep.


Precious Performs