Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Residents Keeping Busy in Activities

San Carlos Museum of History Outing
The Residents enjoyed their time at the San Carlos Museum of History.

 Learning the history of San Carlos was educational for the Residents.

 Tillie and Virginia enjoyed the firehouse. 

 Velma and Bill were happy to see the museum.

Laughter Yoga
 Thanks to our friends from Care Indeed we keep our Residents laughing with Anne.

 Laughter has been proven to be the best medicine.

 Our Residents and Staff would agree!

Manicure Social
  The Residents enjoy getting their nails done with friends.

 Yes, even the men take advantage of this wonderful activity.

Mayor Visit
 We are so lucky to have an active Mayor like Mark Olbert to take time to inform our Residents what is going on in the community.

Hula Performance
Mikayla & Kiana came in to perform a Hula dance.

They were absolutely beautiful!

 The Residents were surprised with gifts they had made everyone in the whole building including the staff.

 We look forward to your next performance when you get a brake from school.

 Jeanette proud grandmother of Mikayla.

Interview by AO50 (Active Over 50)
Larry Hayes from Active over 50 came in to interview a couple of our Residents for the latest AO50 Housing Guide magazine. He is writing a story on "Why Seniors Move Into a Retirement Community"
Here he is interviewing Pat.

 He also interview Helen to get her take too.
We look forward to the magazine coming out.
Thank you Larry!

Jerry Performs


Jerry even got our quietest Resident to participate in the signing.

 Wine & Cheese Social
 We all enjoy getting together to enjoy a glass of wine and cheese with friends.

 The Residents enjoy a game of cards with friends.

Arts and Crafts
 Lindsay is such a dedicated volunteer always has a fun craft for our Residents enjoy.

 They had fun making birthday cards for all of their friends birthdays coming up this month.

Newest activity assistant, Annabelle is having fun learning all of the fun activities we do with our Residents.

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Marilyn on Piano