Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veterans Day

 San Carlos Elms would like to thank Kindred Hospice, San Carlos Boy Scout Troop 321 and San Carlos Pack 65 for making this a Veterans Day we will always remember. 

Thank you also to the American Legion Auxiliary for donating poppies for us to have for our Residents.

Due to social distancing we were creative this Veterans Day.

Dawn from Kindred Hospice had a beautiful ceremony for our Residents yesterday. She brought each of our Residents whom served a certificate, a poem written by presenter from Air Force Veteran, Service Officer Honor Guard and American Legion Chaplin from Santa Clara Sunny Dosanjh and a pin to honor each service member.

Boy Scout Troop 321 and Pack 65 presented the colors this morning out in front of The Elms. We all said the Pledge of Allegiance, Luke played the National Anthem on his saxophone and Kyle played taps on his bugle. The Troop then retired their colors and waved at The Elms.

Please take the time to enjoy some moments caught on camera.


Some families asked to be apart of the ceremony too.
Activity Director, Kathleen signed to the song "I Am Proud to be an American"


Terry at 100 years young receiving his Veterans pin for his service in the Navy.

Thank you to everyone who made this day special during such difficult times.

Happy Veterans Day!

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Lunch Outing

 We enjoyed a brisk walk to Spasso's for lunch today. We all had a good time and delicious food.